Follow These Steps to Your Intentions, to You!

It’s 2024!  Woot woot!  

If you’re literally breathing a sigh of relief that the holidays have passed so that NOW you can ________________ (fill in the blank), you are certainly not alone.  The New Year, as a major milestone, often shines a light on desire to eat better, move more, wrangle finances, live risky-behavior free, start a journal, organize closets, on and on.  If this resonates with you, please read on and consider joining our facebook group Flourishing Empowerment.

A resolution, by definition, is a firm decision to do or not do something.  

An intention, by definition, is a thing intended; an aim, a plan.

Identity, by definition, is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.  

Considering the above definitions, let’s focus on setting intentions around what you value and your vision of your future self.  What is important to you?  Why?  What do you truly value no matter the circumstance?  

To keep your brain engaged and provide positive feedback, which encourages you to do something again, work towards a positive mindset.  Consider what you are working towards rather than what you want to leave behind.  Adopting a positive mindset based on what you value provides the brain right away with positive reinforcement versus a deficit mindset of what must be avoided, reduced, eliminated.  

For instance, you value time with your family.  Playing with your kids or your grandkids is important to you and you want to see them grow up.  You want to be an active participant in their lives, in your life.

Intentions spur the plans that set us up for success by laying a road map.  Because you value your health, you intend to exercise regularly.  You plan to attend an exercise class this afternoon.  That initial intention to care for your health drives your plan for success.  You lay out workout clothes, you block the time on your calendar and you prioritize yourself so nothing gets in the way.  You see yourself after the workout, feeling stronger and accomplished.  The link between what we value and what we see in the future is intention.  This is also where our identity comes in.  You see yourself as someone who works out.  You see yourself living a healthier life and participating with your family.  You are someone who works out regularly.

For most of us, setting the intention is the easy part.  To embrace and importantly, embody, that intention requires effort and consistent practice.


Value:  What do you value?  Why?  

Intention:  How will you support what you value?  What do you need to do? 

Plan:  How can you set yourself up for success?  How will you support your intention each day?  How will you embody your intention each day and thereby take on the identity you desire?

Follow through:  How will you know if you’re reaching your intention?  How will you stay in touch with how you’re doing?  Checking in to see how we’re doing provides the feedback necessary to adjust.  No judgments and disillusionment, just data on how to proceed.  This is where we can also thank ourselves for the intention and provide the positive feedback to keep doing what we’re doing!  

Embody and Identify: Consistently following through on your plans to support your intention cultivates self-efficacy and confidence.  You identify as the person you intend to be!

If this article strikes a cord in you, get out a piece of paper, your phone, your journal, wherever you make your notes.  Walk yourself through the steps and spend ample time on step 1 - what do you value?  Everything stems from here.  Remember to join us at Flourishing Empowerment.  You can also reach me at to discuss group and individual coaching. 

Happy New Year! Happy You!


Yes, You are Worth 12 Hours


Weight Loss, Yoga and a Health Coach