Hitting “Refresh” to Feel Your Best
At the end of December, I decided I want to identify as someone who embraces finances. I was acutely aware of my avoidance, my frustrations and what I knew I could do better. I decided small wins for me that will demonstrate that I am embracing my finances are reviewing income & expenses each week, monitoring balances – checking, savings, investments as well as debts, and planning for expenses to come. I decided that I want to feel in control, I want to feel confident and I want to feel optimistic about all things financial. I was moving forward, and then….Well, I haven’t picked up my intention in the past few weeks. This is how it happens! We get busy, the intention fades, time goes on and then we forget.
Sometimes we need to hit “Refresh”.
My intention is not rocket science. My intention is Personal Finance 101, yes? Yes. And I used to be good at it. Somewhere along the line, I lost sight of this very important piece of my health, my financial health. The consequences of this “financial blindness” are anxiety and sometimes a bad mood. When I feel anxious about finances, I don’t sleep that great, I find myself grabbing random handfuls of crappy, processed food, and I feel irritable. I want to blame someone or something for my “blindness”.
This is similar to losing sight of eating right or exercise. “I used to work out an hour a day.” “I used to get up early to make sure I got my workout done.” “I used to only eat dessert once a week!” Followed by the excuse or reason that we are no longer taking steps to eat right or exercise. Certainly, there’s a reason! Yep, and it is usually all based on us.
Things happen that can draw us off course. And, it’s ok! For me, I find that no matter my current state, I don’t feel anxious about it if I keep myself informed about what’s happening. If I am fully engaged, my mood is more even, and I sleep well. I find eating and exercising to be the same. If I stick to a healthy eating pattern for me and also to my exercise routine, I feel my best.
3 Steps to Refresh
Recognize when you’re off course. If you have put measurements in place, “small wins”, feelings then you will know when you’re not feeling how you want to feel, when you are not identifying as the person you want to be. You know.
Acknowledge and Accept this moment. You’re off course for the moment, you see it. Accept this with the same compassion you would offer a friend, your partner, your child.
Keep Moving Forward. If you set off on a road trip and decide to take a side street, you can always get back on the main highway. Maybe you saw something interesting, maybe there was nothing worthwhile. Withhold your judgement about the side street and focus on the bigger picture. Hit “refresh”.
Contact me today to refresh your intentions, set your “small wins”, feel how you want to feel!