5 Ways to Get Your Workout in During this holiday or any Busy Season
The holiday season is here, we are in it! Full swing and it’s not over! It’s easy to put movement aside when we get busy. Then, bloated, foggy, and feeling icky all over, perhaps we pick back up with incredible vigor. Or, worse, we feel discouraged, shamed and so certain that our proverbial wheels are far enough off the track that it may not be possible to retain their proper placement back on the track. Yep. I have certainly been there! Anyone else? Let’s keep the wheels on the track, feeling good, feeling balanced so we can enjoy the season with family and friends.
Here are 5 tips to keep you moving during this busy season, loving the movement, finding peace in the movement, and finding joy in the movement.
#1 INTENTION: You must decide you will move. All the tips in the world will not help you if you are not intentional. So let’s decide here and now if you are in it. Are you? Have you decided you will keep moving, no matter what? If yes - let’s keep reading! If not, then maybe kick back, grab a handful of the carmel-ly popcorn stuff, more cookies from the cookie exchange and some egg nog and enjoy the movie. Then come back. You may be ready then.
#2 OPEN-MIND: You are traveling or you are busy or you are hosting guests. Whatever the case may be, perhaps you are out of your normal routine. Open your mind immediately. It’s ok! You are out of your normal movement routine and you are open to doing new things to get movement in. It may be less movement or maybe more. It may be movement for the first time! (Good for you!!!). The idea is - be ok with it. Or, be as ok with it as you can be.
#3 SMALL SPURTS MAY BE MAGIC: Depending on the situation, you may not be sleeping well. Schedules may be crazy. You may be squeezing a movement plan in where you can. If this happens - see #1 and #2 above. Know you will move and it’s a matter of making it happen. Taking 10 minutes to do a quick core workout. 10 minutes of different kinds of squats. Does the dog need to be walked? Does the yard need to be raked? Whether you are a high or low impact person, 5-10 minutes of high knees, butt kickers, jumping jacks will get your heart rate up without making you a sweaty mess and you go back to join the crowd or whatever you were doing. “Well, Hello, everyone! What did I miss?” I tell you, add up a bunch of 5 and 10 minute get-aways throughout the day and you are quickly at an hour and you feel great!
#4 INTERRUPT SITTING: If you find yourself at the kitchen table or on the couch visiting a lot - good for you for spending quality time with loved ones! Now, if someone needs the remote, be the one to jump up and retrieve it. Need a blanket? “I’ll get it!” “Aunt May - can I get a pillow for you?” “Hot cocoa, anyone?” The idea here - definitely to be helpful, and also, interrupt your large muscle groups and also a) it’s a way to get movement in, b) take the opportunity to stretch on the way. Stand up from the couch and stretch towards the ceiling, lean left, lean right, touch your toes c) do calf raises or squats in the kitchen before returning to the living room. d) you are being helpful and this releases our feel good hormones. Our emotional health is also important to our wellbeing.
#5 BE PREPARED: You find yourself with a block of time and you want to workout. Now what? You’re at a loss! Should you walk/run? Do a workout video? Hit the gym? This is the time to plan ahead as much as you can. Have a set of clothes packed and in your trunk ready so you can hit the gym or studio while you’re out running errands. In case you find time to head out for a run, make sure you have clean clothes and the shoes by the door. Don’t hesitate, just go!
“I wish I hadn’t squeezed that workout in!” said no one ever.