Strengths, Attitude & Your Health Journey

How Strengths & Attitude Apply to Your Health Journey

Sometimes, clients look at me quizzically when I mention that I prefer to focus on lifestyle and attitude modifications first and then move to nutrition and movement.

Here’s why:

Your success depends on it.

Because more than anything, setting you up for long term, sustained success is the most important thing to me. How does that happen?

Behavior changes.

Behavior change happens when you decide you want/need/desire behavior change because … insert your reason for change here ____________.

AND, with that, if your attitude towards that behavior that needs to change does not also change accordingly….. Well, I argue you are not setting yourself up for success. And why on earth would you do that to yourself? As your health coach, we can unpack that together to move you forward.

In “The Switch” by Gary Foster, Foster details how an asset or strengths based approach to one’s health journey is a key mindset shift to helping one achieve lasting weight loss. I am a huge proponent of getting to know our strengths as a way of life and approach all initial coaching and teaching sessions with strengths identification.

Have you ever been around the person who lets pretty much everything roll off their back? How do they do that? Are they just not serious enough? Maybe. Or maybe it’s a strength they use to just keep going. And guess what? According to the CliftonStrengths Assessment

Everyone has positivity as a strength. Even you.

It is an interesting approach to the health journey. There are other assessments you can take also, like Via Character strengths. What if you did not take an assessment, and you just notice that you are super empathetic or have a thirst for learning or really enjoy leading? That’s great! First and foremost, acknowledge your strengths to embark on your health journey. It is, _your_ journey. What comes up along the way will need to be addressed and acknowledged - the good, the bad, the ugly. The not-so-pleasant and the wonderful. Research says, that by utilizing your strengths you are in essence strengthening your innate abilities and building confidence and happiness while you do so. One can argue that in so doing, when in regards to positive lifestyle and behavior change, you are also strengthening your confidence in your choices. This is reinforcement for change. As hurdles arise, your confidence will grow as you contemplate them, face them and learn from them.

Yes, strengths, attitude, lifestyle modifications first and foremost for sustained health changes. What are your intentions? Weight loss for 3 months? Weight loss for sustained energy, reduction of medications, and improved health span?

Set yourself up for success! What have you got to lose?

It’s just this journey you call your life!


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