The New Year Reset
(Checking in as We Go)
It’s January 17, 2023. For many, this means 17 days into a new year, a milestone. And 17 days into resolutions, promises, and goals. The vision boards that were earnestly put together during the end of 2022 or beginning of the month are…. well, where are they?
Let’s All Flourish recently hosted an intention setting workshop in collaboration with @JustForToday and @YogaSixElk Grove. The purpose of this workshop was to recognize successes and challenges from 2022, acknowledge how we felt about them and then choose what we wanted to do going forward into 2023. Was there something within the successes that made us feel so completely amazing, fulfilled purposeful, peaceful, (fill in your blank here) that we want to carry it forward into 2023? What does that look like? And if there was a challenge or opportunity for something to go better, how did we feel about that? Could it truly go better with some tweaks? Or is it time to let something go? No matter which, choosing what you want to do with the information and then planning how to take it forward or leave it behind.
The participants in the workshop were open, vulnerable and willing to share on a deep level. For some, insights were gained. For others, necessary boundaries were set. Many awakened to their potential and began sketching out how to positively make that potential work towards a meaningful 2023 that would allow them to feel energized, focused and at peace.
Like so many workshops, vision board parties, and New Year’s Resolutions, they can quickly be put in a drawer never to be seen again. All the reflections, intentions, inspiration and possibility shelved (or drawered) until maybe the following year where we unkindly remind ourselves of all the lost potential and time.
If you were at our workshop, or any workshop, honestly check in with yourself here.
Make this year different! If you set new intentions or decided you need new habits this year, put it on your calendar or in your reminders on your phone to remind yourself to check in daily. Yes, daily. It’s ok to spend a few moments on self-reflection. Our kids will get fed, everyone will get to where they want to go, and we will get enough work done if we spend just a few moments on ourselves. We may find that all of that goes even better when we do focus small amounts of time on self-improvement, growth, and care. If we notice we are off-track or straying from those intentions, a health coach may be a great option to guide you back to focus.
How are your New Years goals / intentions / habits going? Drop me a line and let me know how I can help, guide, support and cheer you on!